

 Let's embark on a discussion of this review, shall we? Absolutely!

Chidi Dike, Stephania, Osinachi

It seems I've once again fallen into the trap of watching those YouTube Ruth Kadiri movies featuring a tight-knit cast of three to four members. There's an oddly comforting feeling in having a Nollywood made-for-YouTube film play in the background as you go about your daily household activities. So, here we are with "Mannerless."

"Mannerless" tells the story of Winnie (played by Stefania Bassey), an obnoxious young lady from a relatively well-off family who makes a solemn vow never to date a 'broke' man because she believes it's beneath her. Whenever she encounters someone she deems less financially privileged than herself, she displays what can only be described as 'mannerless' behavior, even resorting to unprovoked physical attacks. Then, along comes Phil (portrayed by Chidi Dikeh), the wealthy son of a tycoon, who inexplicably decides that this mannerless woman is the one he wants to fall in love with. Love, as they say, works in mysterious ways, right?

In his quest to make Winnie, who has made it clear she values money above all else in relationships, fall for him for something other than his wealth, Phil devises a rather dubious plan with the help of his cousin Jake (played by Eronini Osinachim). In an act of unparalleled creativity, their plan involves Phil pretending to be broke, while his friend pretends to be rich. Predictably, over time, Winnie (aka Mannerless) starts falling for the seemingly broke guy because she discovers the true nature of his heart. And, as you might have guessed, they all live happily ever after. But fear not, this isn't a spoiler because no one approached this film with a burning desire to unravel its plot twists.

One credit that can be given to Ruth's production company, in these movies at least, is its effort to introduce new talents to the Nollywood scene. One can only hope that in a year or two, these actors will have graduated to larger and more substantial roles on bigger platforms. However, it's fair to suggest that all three leads could benefit from a few acting classes or perhaps even a full-fledged acting degree, given the assistance required in their performances.

While the cast members are undoubtedly visually appealing, none of them seem to possess the acting finesse that would allow them to effortlessly connect with the camera. Of the trio, it's arguable that Eronini displayed slightly better acting skills, as some of his actions appeared less robotic compared to the others. Being thrust into lead roles without a substantial supporting cast highlights their lack of expertise in this movie. This is unfortunate because their characters are armed with witty punchlines to deliver, but they haven't quite honed their skills to deliver them with the required finesse.

The storyline of "Mannerless" relies heavily on convenient plot devices to navigate its way to the predictable yet satisfying conclusion. We keep watching these movies, drawn to the warm and fuzzy moments that evoke an "aww" feeling, despite the multiple "WTF" moments that precede them in the film.

In summary, "Mannerless" might be best enjoyed as background entertainment while multitasking. It's certainly not the film to introduce anyone to the world of Nollywood.

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