how to pose like a model in a dress

how to pose like a model in a dress

 How to Pose like a Model?

Have you ever ask yourself this question or have you ever wonder how people pose on photographer?

Do you scroll through your Instagram feed and think, How do other girls look that effortlessly cool in photos? You're not alone. Striking the right pose (or action shot) in street style photography is something of an art. Models off duty have the look down pat, and our favorite fashion bloggers are pros at nailing the shot as well. So for all of us still working on mastering that couldn't-care-less quality of cool, we decided to do some research on how to pose like a model for photos. Next time you're caught on camera, just go through this post and follow the tricks to ensure that you and your outfit are presented in the best possible light. For study material, we turned to the street style snaps of models off duty, and we've rounded up some of our favorites below. 

Read down to learn how to post or strike some of the best poses for fashion street style.

pose like a model

It seems like every girl on Instagram who has more than 1000 followers is somehow a model. Does Tyra Banks come knocking on these women’s door and give each of them an America’s Next Instagram Model crash course? Honestly, it appears that way. How do they arch their backs, stare sultrily into the camera and have perfect skin and hair all the time? Truly, there must be a secret. And that secret is most likely looking at fashion magazines and copying other beautiful women. You don’t have to be Kendall Jenner to take a good picture. You just have to know how to pose your body in order to look like you belong on the cover of Vogue like Kendall Jenner. 

Steps to pose like a model

  1. Cross one leg over the other.

  2. Look back over your shoulder. It's a great opportunity to showcase the pretty back of a garment.

  3. Profile your face and look away from the camera.   This changes up the perspective of your look and puts the focus on the outfit itself.

  4. Tilt your head to one side.


    Doing so is a cute and cheeky way to try something new.

  5. Slightly pop one knee.


    This move is subtle, but it's a classic pose that works every time.

  6. Use a sidewalk curb to your advantage.


    If you want to show off some killer shoes, this is the way to do it. 

  7. Casually lean against a wall.


    It’s the ultimate way to look casual and relaxed, giving you a sense of confidence that pulls the whole photo together.

  8. Snap a shot midstep.


    How to Look Candid 101: Capture movement. It makes the snap look impromptu and also gives the photo an extra dimension of professionalism.

  9. Prop up one leg.


    Not only does this pose exude cool-girl vibes, but it also breaks up the lines in your legs to add interest.

  10. Cross one leg in front, and pop your knee.


    This gives you a chance to show off your shoes from more than one angle. Bonus points for leaning against a wall. 

Take note of these 9 ways to pose like an Instagram model so you can copy in your next Insta post.

  1. The Candid Insta: You’re going to need a very patient photographer for this one. Get someone who can make you laugh and who you feel natural with to go spend an hour or two snapping away!
  2. The Chill Sitting Insta: There are two types of ways to sit like an Instagram model, and this is the first one. Spread your legs and lean back like you don’t have a care in the world. This pose is great for looking like a total badass
  3. The Squatting Insta: It only takes about three scrolls on the Instagram explore page before you see someone in this pose. It’s great for showing off a sick pair of shoes or for just looking like a cool girl.
  4. The Far-Off Look Insta: This pose makes you look ethereal and effortless. Just do any pose you would normally do, but look off camera. This one of the most simple ways to pose like an Instagram model! Super easy and super cute!
  5. The Over-The-Shoulder Insta: Here’s another incredibly popular pose. This one is perfect for if you’re trying to show off your booty or a dress with a strappy back!
  6. The Mirror Pic Insta: If you ever just need to show off your outfit, but there’s no one around to snap a picture for you, this is the pose for you. This is also awesome because you’re in control of both sides of the photo, so you have to chance to perfect the shot!
  7. The Poised Sitting Insta: Here’s the other way to sit. With this pose, you’re going to want to sit up straight and cross those legs. This one is for the ~ladies~ out there!

kindly use the comment box to add your own method of posing you feel its okay.

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